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ARCHIVES : 309 forms

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EGIR-RISC - Relationship between insulin sensitivity and cardiovascular disease

Head : Balkau Beverley
Ferrannini Ele

Version 2


Last update : 09/05/2017


EGIR-RISC - Relationship between insulin sensitivity and cardiovascular disease

Head : Balkau Beverley
Ferrannini Ele

Main objective

Main objective: study of insulin resistance and atherosclerosis, determinants of insulin resistance, its evolution on 9 years and consequences, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and premature death.
Secondary objectives:
1. The evaluation of insulin resistance and its association with cardiovascular diseases
2. Identification of genetic and environmental factors linked to insulin resistance
3. The proposition of a model to identify insulin resistance

Inclusion criteria

- Aged between 30 and 60 years
- Good general health condition
- No symptoms of cardiovascular diseases
- blood pressure inferior to 170/90 mm Hg
- Total cholesterol inferior to 7,8 mmol/l
- Triglycerides levels inferior to 4,6 mmol/l
- Plasma glucose level (on an empty stomach and 2 hours after an oral glucose control) inferior to 7,0/11,1 mmol/l
- No treatment related to diabetes, hypertension or lipid disorders

- Cancer of The Oesophagus Associated with Tobacco Type, Alcohol use and Specific diet

Head : Launoy Guy, Cancers et populations

Version 1


Last update : 09/05/2017


- Cancer of The Oesophagus Associated with Tobacco Type, Alcohol use and Specific diet

Head : Launoy Guy, Cancers et populations

Main objective

To demonstrate that the risk of cancer of the oesophagus increases according to types of tobacco and alcohol use. To classify different types of tobacco and alcohol in accordance to risk of cancer of the oesophagus. To demonstrate certain dietary habits that increase the risk of cancer of the oesophagus.

Inclusion criteria

- Men - adult - under 85 years old - already presenting squamous carcinoma of the oesophagus

PRESAGE - Observationnal study on Postmenopausal woman

Head : Hébuterne Xavier, Eli Lilly France

Version 1


Last update : 01/01/2018


PRESAGE - Observationnal study on Postmenopausal woman

Head : Hébuterne Xavier, Eli Lilly France

Main objective

Primary objective: estimate the percentage of osteoporotic patients among postmenopausal patients with a mineral bone density measurement for diagnosis purposes and who can benefit from therapeutic recommendations according to French recommendations.
Secondary objectives: factors associated with osteoporosis, characteristics and care for patients

Inclusion criteria

Postmenopausal woman,
- Patient not treated for osteoporosis for at least one year (HRT, raloxifene, bisphosphonate, teriparatide, strontium ranelate),
- Patient coming for a bone densitometry for diagnosis purposes,
- Patient able to benefit from a therapeutic recommendation for the treatment of osteoporosis (osteopenic or osteoporotic patient with risk factors of fractures).

Episurvey Hepatite B - A cross-sectional, multicentre, epidemiological study of the drug management in hepatitis B

Head : Bregman Bruno, Bristol-Myers Squibb
Schmidely Nathalie, Bristol-Myers Squibb

Version 2


Last update : 09/05/2017


Episurvey Hepatite B - A cross-sectional, multicentre, epidemiological study of the drug management in hepatitis B

Head : Bregman Bruno, Bristol-Myers Squibb
Schmidely Nathalie, Bristol-Myers Squibb

Main objective

Describe the drug management of patients having chronic hepatitis B, in France, in 2006.

Inclusion criteria

M/F >=18 years, infected by the hepatitis B virus for at least 6 months, seen in outpatient clinic visit at expert centers for caring of hepatitis (Hepatitis Referenced University Hospitals, General Hospital Centres, community-based hepato-gastroenterologists) between 1 Jan. and 31 March 2006.

EMPATHIE - Enfants - Parents - Trouble déficit de l’attention avec Hyperactivité : Impact et Evaluation

Head : Ponthieux Anne

Version 1


Last update : 12/01/2018


EMPATHIE - Enfants - Parents - Trouble déficit de l’attention avec Hyperactivité : Impact et Evaluation

Head : Ponthieux Anne

Main objective

Study of the impact of the Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) on the parents/tutors of afflicted school children.
The study also strives to evaluate the impact of the ADHD on the siblings of the children afflicted and likewise of the impact of the disease on the school environment, thanks to the evidence provided by parents/tutors.

Inclusion criteria

Inclusion criteria for parents/tutors:
- Parents (father, mother or tutors) of a child aged 6 to 18 years suffering from ADHD
- Parents (father, mother, or tutors) accompanying their ADHD children for a routine consultation during the observation period,
- Parent (father, mother or tutor) of an child whether or not treated for his/her ADHD.

Inclusion criteria for siblings:
- Brother or sister without ADHD of a child corresponding to the aforementioned criteria,
- Brother or sister at least 9 years old and living with the ADHD child.

Non-inclusion criteria :
- ADHD child with important co-morbidity that could influence assessment of ADHD impact on psycho-socio-economic value,
- Patients sibling / parents with important co-morbidity that could influence the evaluation of their experience (i.e. at the level of the socio-psycho-economic impact),
- Parents unable to complete a self-questionnaire,
- Parents who participated to the feasability study (interviews)

SMP: first-time incarceration survey - Cohort of Detained Individuals: Mental Health Study

Head : Falissard Bruno, INSERM U669

Version 1


Last update : 09/05/2017


SMP: first-time incarceration survey - Cohort of Detained Individuals: Mental Health Study

Head : Falissard Bruno, INSERM U669

Main objective

Detailed description of this specific prison population and comparison with prevalent prison population (sub-sample of cross-sectional maisons d'arrêt survey); outcome of disorders at 1 month and qualitative analysis at 9 months.
(Initial aim: to determine specific factors for mental health deterioration in the short term. Aim is not achievable given the small number of individuals still present at the institution 9 months after their arrival).

Inclusion criteria

Individuals randomly drawn from available records at the Fresnes National Observation Centre and the diagnosis contained.

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